Kui Eugenio

Web Developer

tech avenger | web developer | loves outrigger paddling | lives aloha

What I know

HTML 5.0, CSS 3.0, Bootstrap, JavaScript, SASS, node.js, jQuery, React.js, React-Native, Redux, Express, Vue, Vuex, Nuxt, MYSQL, JSON, XML and API development. Utilizes GitHub & GitLab for version control and Heroku for deployment.


This website was created as a Single Page Application with Vue.js and Nuxt.js. After being generated as a static site, I use github to host it as a github page.


The value of integrity, of rightness and balance. The feeling of contentment when all is good and all is right.

Clicky With Friends

Memorization game written with React and utilizes the random.me api for images. The interface is simple and the game intuitive but the backend is challenging and complex.

Quotes by Ron Swanson

Written in React and interacts with a PostgreSQL database hosted on Heroku. The app lets you rates quotes and tracks them by your IP address. Simple, humorous but highlights my backend and frontend skills.

Where am I from

I was born and raised on the island of Maui, the Valley Isle. I started my IT career upon graduating from the University of Hawaii for a telecom, quickly relocated to Southern California and finally laid my roots in the Valley of the Sun, AZ

What's Next?

Although successful in many years of Systems Admin and Application support, I've always wanted to explore the more creative side of technology. So when life gave me a sign, I decided to combine my problem solving skills with the my passion for web development. Let's see what pans out!


The value of achievement and excellence. Strive to reach the summit. Pursue personal excellence in all you do.

Marvel Hangman

A twist on a classical game where we utilize the Marvel Developer API to get random images, their corresponding names and descriptions from their entire library of characters. The app is written in Vue and is a component of this site, which itself is a single file application.